Kawthar AbdAlgaleil MohammedSalih Ibrahim White Nile State , Eldueim 1/1/1978. Sudanese Muslim Arabic and English Mobile:+249912690961 kawthargaleil@yahoo.com 407.Khartoum. Sudan. Ahomira Primary School (1983-1988) Alamiria Intermediate School (1988-1991) Safia Secondary School (1991-1994) Role of Toll Like Receptor 2 and 4 (TLR2 and TLR4) in Susceptibilityand Resistance to Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Infection amongSudanese Patients Immunology. Head Department of Microbiology, College of Medical LaboratoryScience- SUST. Assistant Professor, Immunology. Nile University & SUST 2 Lecture, Nile College , Department of Medical Laboratory Science Par timer lectures of Immunology, Kordofan University. Senior technologist, Department of Clinical Immunologyand Allergy, National Health Laboratory. Laboratory Technologist, Department of Virology – National HealthLaboratory.. Technologist in Eldueim Teaching Hospital. Ministry of Health(Eldueim) Teacher assistant Department of Histopathology, University ofBakhelruda Certificate in Attending online Course on Distance Learning by theAssociation of Sudanese Professors in Qatar -2020 Certificate in Basic Bioinformatics (IBT- 2020) Certificate in Advanced course and field exercise on emergencyresponse to chemical incidents for Arabic-speaking States Parties,Amman, Jordan(OPCW - 2019) Certificate in Basic course and field exercise on emergency response tochemical incidents for Arabic-speaking States Parties,Tunis , Tunis(OPCW - 2018) Certificate in Training course on Postgraduates Supervision Skills(SUST 2018) Certificate in Research Methodology (SUST-2017) Certificate in Basic course in University Leadership Skills (U of K-2016) Certificate in Staff Development (SUST-2015) Certificate in Trainer of Trainee Certificate from (CPD – 2014) Certificate in Structural Designing Short Course( CPD-2013) Certificate in Techniques of Examination (UMST -)2012. 3 - Microbiology + Heamatology and ImmunoheamatologyStudents(SUST)- Immunology students National Rebat University B.Sc (Honours) students. National Alrebat UniversityM.Sc students shendi University 30 M.Sc Dissertation students Medical Laboratory (SUST) 1. M.Sc student Medical Laboratory(SUST)2. PhD students Medical Laboratory(SUST)3.PhD students Medical Laboratory National Alrebat University 4 External examiner for shendi University College of MedicalLaboratory Science Students. Involved in research projects in the era of Renal ProblemImmunology + Immunoheamatology + Immunomicrobiology . Member of Sudanese Union of Medical Specialist. 56 Kawthar Abdelgaleil MohammedSalih , Altahir Awad Gasim .Prevelance Neonatal Malaria in Sudan, The First ScientificConference of the Sudanese Society of Clinical Biology, 2014,Khartoum. Sudan. Second Sudanese Association of Pathologist conference 2018