Prof. Mohammad Yousif Sukkar
Professor of physiologyuniversity of khartoum
Prof. Mohammad Yousif
last Name
Professor of Physiology,Director of Nile University
Date and Place of Birth
Wadi Halfa, Sudan, 1935
1968 : PhD. University of Edinburgh
1961 : M.B.B.S. University of Khartoum
Post-Doctoral Studies
• Studies in radio-immunoassays, MRC, Medical Research Centre, Forest Rd. Edinburgh
• Studies in Medical Education, Abraham Lincoln Medical School, University of Illinois, Chicago
• Teaching methods & preparation of learning materials, Education Development Centre, Medical School, Ninewells, University of Dundee
• Planning & evaluation in Medical Education, WHO Regional Teacher Training Centre, Shiraz, Iran
2017 : President, Nile University .
2007 : Dean Nile College.
2005 : Member Sudan Medical Council.
2003 : Founder, Nile University : Chairman Advisory Committee for Medical &Health Sc. Ministry of Higher Education &Research.
2000 : Professor of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine University of Khartoum.
1983 : Chairman, Department of Postgraduate Studies, King Abdul Aziz University.
1982 : Professor of Physiology - King Abdul Aziz University .
1979 : Dean Graduate College - University of Khartoum.
1976 : Professor of Physiology - University of Khartoum.
- Teaching of human physiology to undergraduate medical students
- Teaching of postgraduate students preparing for part I clinical studies
o Metabolic physiology
o Human, nutrition
o Physical exercise
o Work physiology
o Endocrinology; specially insulin & growth hormone regulation
o Pathophysiology of bilharzial liver fibrosis
o Pathophysiology of severe malaria
o Pathophysiology of obesity & metabolic disorders
o The metabolic syndrome
o Childhood obesity
o Hormones & body weight regulation
Supervision of Postgraduate studies
o M Sc physiology theses by research
o M Sc physiology theses in partial fulfillment
o Ph D. theses in physiology & Nutrition
o M Sc thesis in Nutrition
o Ph D theses on hormonal studies in the metabolic syndrome
- Supervision of Masters and PhD degrees
Sukkar, M.Y., Hunter, W.M and Passmore, R. (1967). Changes in plasma levels of insulin and growth hormone levels after a protein meal. Lancet ii: 1202-1212.
Sukkar, M.Y., Hunter W.M. and Passmore, R. (1968). The effect of a protein meal with and without moderate exercise on plasma insulin and growth hormone. Q.J. Exp. Physiol; 53:206-219.
Hunter, W.M. and Sukkar (1968). Changes in plasma insulin levels during muscular exercise. J. Physiol. 196: 110-112.
Sukkar, M.Y. (1968). Reported by Hunter, W.M. Control of specificity of radioimmunoassay (4) incubation damage, Symposium on protein and polypeptide hormones, Leig, Belgium (1968), Experta Medica International Congress Series No. 161, pp. 9-13.
Hunter, W.M. Rigal, W.M. and Sukkar, M.Y. (1968). Growth hormone secretion during fasting, proceedings of the first International symposium on growth hormone. Experta Medica Foundation, Amsterdam.
Sukkar, M.Y. (1968). Hormonal and metabolic effects of a protein meal and moderate exercise in man. Ph D thesis , Faculty of Medicine, University of Edinburgh.
Sukkar, M.Y. (1969). Insulin in the blood. Sudan Med. J. , 7, No 1: 36-47.
Sukkar, M.Y. (1969). The organization of field nutritional surveys in the Sudan, Sudan Med. J. 7 No 4, 33-41.
Sukkar, M.Y., Hunter, W.M., and Cullen, D.R. (1970). Measurement of overnight fasting insulin levels and modulation below this, Brit. J. Rdiol, 43, 829.
Sukkar, M.Y. (1970). Insulin in protein – calorie malnutrition, Sudan Med. J. 8: 233-235.
Sukkar, M.Y. Johnson, D. A/Gader, A/G. M. and M.K. Yousif, (1971). The nutritional status of children in rural Khartoum. Sudan Med. J., 9: 23-38.
Sukkar, M.Y. (1973). Muscular exercise and plasma insulin levels in man. Sudan Med. J., 11: 129-135.
Sukkar, M.Y. (1974). The training of teachers in basic medical sciences, Brit. J. Med. Education, 8:99-102.
Sukkar, M.Y., Omer A.H.S. and Mahmoud, N.A. (1974). Impaired glucose tolerance in hepatic schistosomiasis, Proc. Roy. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 68: 327-332.
Sukkar, M.Y. (1974). Studies on basal insulin secretion in Sudanese men. Abstracts of the second International Conference on Basic Medical Sciences in Africa, P6, Khartoum University Press.
Sukakr, M.Y. (1974). The education in Medicine, editorial. Sudan Med. J. 13:103-104.
Sukkar, M.Y., Vocak, Z., Nagdi, S. and Khogali, A., (1976). The nutritional status of the Fur people of Jabel Marra, African Journal of Medical Sciences. 5: 245-253.
Sukkar, M.Y., Butros, J.Z. and Yousif, K.N. (1975). The composition of some common Sudanese foods. Sudan Med.J. 13: 51-61.
Sukkar, M.Y. (1975). The actions of hypophyseal growth hormone on protein metabolism. Sudan Med. J. 13: 85-94.
Sukkar, M.Y. (1975). The actions of insulin on protein metabolism. Sudan Med. J. 13, No. 4: 1 – 9.
Sukkar, M.Y. and Biliel, O.M. (1975). Current directions of Medical Education in the Sudan Med. J. 13 No. 4: 37-50.
Collins, K.J., Brotherhood, J., Davies, C.M.T., Dore, C., Hackett, J., Imms, F.J., Musgrove, J., Weiner, J.S., Amin M.A., El Karim, M.A., Ismail, H.M. Omer, A.H.S. and Sukkar, M.Y. (1976). Physiological performance and work capacity of Sudanese cane cutters with schistosomiasis mansoni infections. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 25: 410-421.
Davies, C.M.T., Brotherhood, J.R., Collins, K.H., Dore, C., Imms, J., Musgrove, J., Weiner, J., Amin, M.A., Ismail, H.M. El Karim, M.A., Omer, A.H.S. and Sukkar, M.Y. (1976). Energy expenditure and physiological performance of Sudanese cane Cutters, Brit. J. Industrial Med. 33: 181-186.
Sukkar M.Y. (1976) Nutrition and Health Care in the Context of Socio-economic Development, Sudan Notes and Records. L VII: 90 – 98.
Sukkar, M.Y. (1976). Skinfold thickness and body fat in adult fur men and women of western Sudan, Human Biol., 48: 315 – 312.
Edholm, O.G., A.J. Hakett, M.Y. Sukkar and J.S. Weiner (1977). The assessment of levels of heat tolerance. J. Physiol. Communication, No. 3, Tropical Medicine meeting. 18-19 Feb. 1977.
Saeed, A.M. El Munshid, H.A., Sukkar, M.A. and Adel Wahab, S.M. (1978). Insulin and Glucose Levels in Acute and Chronically Uraemic Rats.J. Endocr. 77:151-152.
Sukkar, M.Y., Kemm, J.R., Makeen, A. and Habeeb, M. (1976). Anthropometry in a Sudanese Village- changes in 7 years, Proc. Nur. Soc., P. 146A.
Sukkar, M.Y., Kemm, J.R., Makeen, A.M., and Khalid, M.H. (1979). Anthropometric Survey of Children in Rural Khartoum, Sudan, Annals of Human Biology. 6: 147 – 158.
Sukkar, M.Y., Kemm, J.R., Makeen, A.M., Kardesh, M.S., Khalid, M.H., Ballal, M.A. and Ahmed, T.S. (1979). Al-Tariq lil’sihha; growth charts for use in Sudan. Sudan Medical Journal. 17: 1 – 9.
Sukkar, M.Y., Kemm J.R., Ballal, M.A. and Ahmed, T.S . (1980). Growth velocity in children in rural Khartoum, Sudan, Annals of Human Biology. 7:473 – 480.
Sukkar, M.Y. (1981). Problems Facing the Teacher Researcher in Basic Medical Sciences, Workshop on Graduate Education in Basic Medical Sciences, American University of Beirut. 3 – 5, April, 1980.
Awad El Karim, M.A., Collins, K.J., Brotherhood, J.R., Dore, C., Weiner, J.C., Sukkar, M.Y., Omer, A.H.S. and Amin, M.A. (1980). Quantitative egg excretion and work capacity in a Gezira population infected with schistosoma mansoni, Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 19:54-61.
Haraldson, S. and Sukkar, M.Y. (1980). Nutrition and Health Care: Non-traditional Alternatives, in “Making the Monst of the Least” Editors: Berry, L., Kates, R.W., Holmes and Meier Publishers, Inc. New York, London.
Awad El Karim, M.A., Collins, K.J., Sukkar, M.Y., and Dore, C., (1981). Physical Performance and Work Capacity of Rural, Urban and Army Personnel in the Sudan, Ergomics, 241:945-952.
Sukkar, M.Y., Kemm, J.R. (1982). Age Independent Anthropometry in Sudan’ Annals of Human Biology. 9:265-275.
Ballal, M.A., P.H. Fentern, I.A., MacDonald and M.Y. Sukkar (1982). Physical condition in young adult Sudanese: A field study using self-paced walking test. Ergonomics. 25:1185-1196.
Sukkar, M.Y. (1983). The Postgraduate Studies Experience in the University of Khartoum; Union of Arab Universities Meeting, Khartoum, January 1983, Proceedings. University of Khartoum Press.
Azzindani, A. and Sukkar, M.Y., (1983). The Human Embryo, Land Marks in its Development. Eighth Saudi Medical Conference, Riyadh, November 1983.
Sukkar, M.Y. (1983). Feasible Contributions of Islam to Medical Education: Eighth Saudi Medical Conference, Riyadh, November 1983.
Saeed, A.M. and Sukkar, M.Y., (1983).Glucose tolerance and insulin release in bilahrzial liver disease. 8th Saudi Medical Conference, Riyadh, Novermber 1983.
Sukkar, M.Y., (1984). An Approach to the Question of Relevance of Medical Physiology Courses, Medical education; 18:217-221.
Sukkar, M.Y., (1985). Human Nutrition, for Medical Studies and Allied Health Sciences, Ithaca Press, London.
Sukkar, M.Y., (1986). Curriculum Development: A Strategy for Change, Medical Education; 20:301-306.
Shobokshi, O.A. and Sukkar, M.Y., (1988). An Approch to Medical Curriculum Evalaution, Saudi Medical Journal; 22:426-432.
Shobokshi, O.A. and Sukkar, M.Y., (1989). Administrative Inputs in Cirriculum Development, Saudi Medical Journal; 10:290-295.
Sukkar M.Y., El-Munshid, H.A., Al-Ardawi, M.S.M., Eds (1993). Concise Human Physiology, Blckwell Scientific Publications Oxford.
Sukkar, M.Y., El-Munshid, H.A. and Al-Ardawi M.S.M, Ibid 2nd Edition (2000), Blackwell sc., Oxford.
Sukkar, M.Y., (2002). Writing a Book, Bulletin of Medical Studies Board, University of Khartoum.
Sukkar, M.Y., (2003). Accreditation of Medical Schools in the Sudan. 1st International Conference on Medical Education, EDC, Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum.
Sukkar, M.Y., (2005). Accreditation of Medical Schools. “Sudan Experience”. 1st International Conference on Medical Education Reform. (Friendship Hall), Education Development Centre. University of Khartoum.
Sukkar, M.Y., (2006). Accreditation of Medical Schools in the Sudan, Khartoum Medical Journal; 1:61-62.
Sukkar, M.Y., (2007). Quality Assurance in Higher Education, National Conference on the “Future”, Friendship Hall, Proceedings , Journal of Future Studies; 3:213-220 (Arabic).
Sukkar, M.Y., (2009). Accreditation of Medical Schools in the Sudan by Sudan Medical Council. 3rd International Conference on Medical Education, Khartoum (Friendship Hall) Education Development Centre, University of Khartoum.
Mohamed Faisal Lutfi, and Sukkar, M.Y., (2010) Reliability of spirometric measurements in assessing asthma severity, Khartoum Medical Journal Vol. 03, No. 02, pp. 433-439.
Mohamed Faisal Lutfi, and Sukkar, M.Y., (2010) Hypertensive Effect of Bronchial Asthma, Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences, 2010 -
Mohamed Faisal Lutfi, Sukkar, M.Y., (2011) the effect of gender on heart rate variability in the asthmatic and normal healthy adults, Int J Health Sci (Qassim) Jul; 5(2): 146 -154.
Mohamed Faisal Lutfi, and Sukkar, M.Y., (2011) effect of blood pressure on heart rate variability, Khartoum Medical Journal Vol 4, No 1
Mohamed Faisal Lutfi, and Sukkar, M.Y., (2011) relationship of height, weight and body mass index to heart rate variability, sudan Med J April; 47(1)
Alaagib, N., Sukkar, M.Y., (2012) Abstract: Effects of oral Glucose and Sodium Chloride in Adult Patients with Essential Hypertension. The 1st Conference of Medical and Health Researches Funded by Ministry of Higher Education.
Alaagib, N., Sukkar, M.Y., (2013) of Glucose and Sodium Chloride on the Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System and Blood Pressure in Sudanese Patients with Essential Hypertension. The 7th Hypertension Teaching Seminar of the International Society of Hypertension (ISH) and International Forum for Hypertension Control and Prevention in Africa (IFHA). 24-26 October 2013 Abuja, Nigeria. (oral presentation)
Alaagib, N., Sukkar, M.Y., (2013) Effect of Glucose and Sodium Chloride on the Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System and Blood Pressure in Sudanese Patients with Essential Hypertension. The 1st International Conference on Hypertension - Sudan. 20- 22 (oral presentation)
Alaagib, N., Sukkar, M.Y., (2014) INSULIN RESPONSE TO ORAL GLUCOSE LOAD IN PATIENTS WITH ESSENTIAL HYPERTENSION. The Joint Hypertension Meeting of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH)-International Society of Hypertension (ISH). 13- 16 Journal of Hypertension Volume 32, e326.
Available at:
Alaagib, N., Sukkar, M.Y., (2014) HORMONAL EFFECTS OF ORAL GLUCOSE AND SODIUM CHLORIDE IN OBESE AND NONOBESE PATIENTS WITH ESSENTIAL HYPERTENSION The Joint Hypertension Meeting of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH)- International Society of Hypertension (ISH). 13- 16 June 2014 Athens, Greece.
Published in the Journal of Hypertension; volume 32, e555.
Available at:
Alaagib, N., Sukkar, M.Y., (2014) Insulin Response to Oral Glucose Load in Patients with Essential Hypertension. The 7Th International Conference of Pathophysiology Rabat, Marocco 4-7.
1Sumaia Al Fadil 2Sukkar (2015) An Experience From A Growing Private Medical Sciences Institute of Nile College, Sudan WASD
Sukkar, M. Y. (2015) The Dilemma of Standard Setting for the OSCE, Sudan JMS Vol. 10, 129-136
Sukkar MY, Karrar ZA, (2016) A Practical Medical Curriculum for under resourced Situations, Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC). Singapore.
(2016): Serum Aldosterone and angiotensin II correlates positively with Blood Pressure in Obese Sudanese Patients with Essential hypertension. The 7th International Conference of the African Association of Physiological Sciences. 5-8th September 2016 Lagos, Nigeria. (Oral Presentation).
Journal of African Association of Physiological Societies. Volume 4, Available at:
Alaagib, N., Sukkar, M.Y., (2017) Hyperinsulinemic Response to Oral Glucose in Obese Patients with Essential Hypertension. Khartoum Medical Journal 10, No. 02, pp. 1360 - 1368.
Sukkar MY (2017) Quality management in higher education institutions, Khartoum Medical Journal Vol. 10, No. 03, pp. 1395 – 1401.
Sukkar, M. Y. (2018) The MB BS Curriculum Management II: A Paradigm of basic educational concerns, Khartoum Medical Journal 11, No. 02, pp. 1474 – 1476.
Sukkar, M.Y., Hunter, W.M and Passmore, R. (1967). Changes in plasma levels of insulin and growth hormone levels after a protein meal. Lancet ii: 1202-1212.
Sukkar, M.Y., Hunter W.M. and Passmore, R. (1968). The effect of a protein meal with and without moderate exercise on plasma insulin and growth hormone. Q.J. Exp. Physiol; 53:206-219.
Hunter, W.M. and Sukkar (1968). Changes in plasma insulin levels during muscular exercise. J. Physiol. 196: 110-112.
Sukkar, M.Y. (1968). Reported by Hunter, W.M. Control of specificity of radioimmunoassay (4) incubation damage, Symposium on protein and polypeptide hormones, Leig, Belgium (1968), Experta Medica International Congress Series No. 161, pp. 9-13.
Hunter, W.M. Rigal, W.M. and Sukkar, M.Y. (1968). Growth hormone secretion during fasting, proceedings of the first International symposium on growth hormone. Experta Medica Foundation, Amsterdam.
Sukkar, M.Y. (1968). Hormonal and metabolic effects of a protein meal and moderate exercise in man. Ph D thesis , Faculty of Medicine, University of Edinburgh.
Sukkar, M.Y. (1969). Insulin in the blood. Sudan Med. J. , 7, No 1: 36-47.
Sukkar, M.Y. (1969). The organization of field nutritional surveys in the Sudan, Sudan Med. J. 7 No 4, 33-41.
Sukkar, M.Y., Hunter, W.M., and Cullen, D.R. (1970). Measurement of overnight fasting insulin levels and modulation below this, Brit. J. Rdiol, 43, 829.
Sukkar, M.Y. (1970). Insulin in protein – calorie malnutrition, Sudan Med. J. 8: 233-235.
Sukkar, M.Y. Johnson, D. A/Gader, A/G. M. and M.K. Yousif, (1971). The nutritional status of children in rural Khartoum. Sudan Med. J., 9: 23-38.
Sukkar, M.Y. (1973). Muscular exercise and plasma insulin levels in man. Sudan Med. J., 11: 129-135.
Sukkar, M.Y. (1974). The training of teachers in basic medical sciences, Brit. J. Med. Education, 8:99-102.
Sukkar, M.Y., Omer A.H.S. and Mahmoud, N.A. (1974). Impaired glucose tolerance in hepatic schistosomiasis, Proc. Roy. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 68: 327-332.
Sukkar, M.Y. (1974). Studies on basal insulin secretion in Sudanese men. Abstracts of the second International Conference on Basic Medical Sciences in Africa, P6, Khartoum University Press.
Sukakr, M.Y. (1974). The education in Medicine, editorial. Sudan Med. J. 13:103-104.
Sukkar, M.Y., Vocak, Z., Nagdi, S. and Khogali, A., (1976). The nutritional status of the Fur people of Jabel Marra, African Journal of Medical Sciences. 5: 245-253.
Sukkar, M.Y., Butros, J.Z. and Yousif, K.N. (1975). The composition of some common Sudanese foods. Sudan Med.J. 13: 51-61.
Sukkar, M.Y. (1975). The actions of hypophyseal growth hormone on protein metabolism. Sudan Med. J. 13: 85-94.
Sukkar, M.Y. (1975). The actions of insulin on protein metabolism. Sudan Med. J. 13, No. 4: 1 – 9.
Sukkar, M.Y. and Biliel, O.M. (1975). Current directions of Medical Education in the Sudan Med. J. 13 No. 4: 37-50.
Collins, K.J., Brotherhood, J., Davies, C.M.T., Dore, C., Hackett, J., Imms, F.J., Musgrove, J., Weiner, J.S., Amin M.A., El Karim, M.A., Ismail, H.M. Omer, A.H.S. and Sukkar, M.Y. (1976). Physiological performance and work capacity of Sudanese cane cutters with schistosomiasis mansoni infections. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 25: 410-421.
Davies, C.M.T., Brotherhood, J.R., Collins, K.H., Dore, C., Imms, J., Musgrove, J., Weiner, J., Amin, M.A., Ismail, H.M. El Karim, M.A., Omer, A.H.S. and Sukkar, M.Y. (1976). Energy expenditure and physiological performance of Sudanese cane Cutters, Brit. J. Industrial Med. 33: 181-186.
Sukkar M.Y. (1976) Nutrition and Health Care in the Context of Socio-economic Development, Sudan Notes and Records. L VII: 90 – 98.
Sukkar, M.Y. (1976). Skinfold thickness and body fat in adult fur men and women of western Sudan, Human Biol., 48: 315 – 312.
Edholm, O.G., A.J. Hakett, M.Y. Sukkar and J.S. Weiner (1977). The assessment of levels of heat tolerance. J. Physiol. Communication, No. 3, Tropical Medicine meeting. 18-19 Feb. 1977.
Saeed, A.M. El Munshid, H.A., Sukkar, M.A. and Adel Wahab, S.M. (1978). Insulin and Glucose Levels in Acute and Chronically Uraemic Rats.J. Endocr. 77:151-152.
Sukkar, M.Y., Kemm, J.R., Makeen, A. and Habeeb, M. (1976). Anthropometry in a Sudanese Village- changes in 7 years, Proc. Nur. Soc., P. 146A.
Sukkar, M.Y., Kemm, J.R., Makeen, A.M., and Khalid, M.H. (1979). Anthropometric Survey of Children in Rural Khartoum, Sudan, Annals of Human Biology. 6: 147 – 158.
Sukkar, M.Y., Kemm, J.R., Makeen, A.M., Kardesh, M.S., Khalid, M.H., Ballal, M.A. and Ahmed, T.S. (1979). Al-Tariq lil’sihha; growth charts for use in Sudan. Sudan Medical Journal. 17: 1 – 9.
Sukkar, M.Y., Kemm J.R., Ballal, M.A. and Ahmed, T.S . (1980). Growth velocity in children in rural Khartoum, Sudan, Annals of Human Biology. 7:473 – 480.
Sukkar, M.Y. (1981). Problems Facing the Teacher Researcher in Basic Medical Sciences, Workshop on Graduate Education in Basic Medical Sciences, American University of Beirut. 3 – 5, April, 1980.
Awad El Karim, M.A., Collins, K.J., Brotherhood, J.R., Dore, C., Weiner, J.C., Sukkar, M.Y., Omer, A.H.S. and Amin, M.A. (1980). Quantitative egg excretion and work capacity in a Gezira population infected with schistosoma mansoni, Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 19:54-61.
Haraldson, S. and Sukkar, M.Y. (1980). Nutrition and Health Care: Non-traditional Alternatives, in “Making the Monst of the Least” Editors: Berry, L., Kates, R.W., Holmes and Meier Publishers, Inc. New York, London.
Awad El Karim, M.A., Collins, K.J., Sukkar, M.Y., and Dore, C., (1981). Physical Performance and Work Capacity of Rural, Urban and Army Personnel in the Sudan, Ergomics, 241:945-952.
Sukkar, M.Y., Kemm, J.R. (1982). Age Independent Anthropometry in Sudan’ Annals of Human Biology. 9:265-275.
Ballal, M.A., P.H. Fentern, I.A., MacDonald and M.Y. Sukkar (1982). Physical condition in young adult Sudanese: A field study using self-paced walking test. Ergonomics. 25:1185-1196.
Sukkar, M.Y. (1983). The Postgraduate Studies Experience in the University of Khartoum; Union of Arab Universities Meeting, Khartoum, January 1983, Proceedings. University of Khartoum Press.
Azzindani, A. and Sukkar, M.Y., (1983). The Human Embryo, Land Marks in its Development. Eighth Saudi Medical Conference, Riyadh, November 1983.
Sukkar, M.Y. (1983). Feasible Contributions of Islam to Medical Education: Eighth Saudi Medical Conference, Riyadh, November 1983.
Saeed, A.M. and Sukkar, M.Y., (1983).Glucose tolerance and insulin release in bilahrzial liver disease. 8th Saudi Medical Conference, Riyadh, Novermber 1983.
Sukkar, M.Y., (1984). An Approach to the Question of Relevance of Medical Physiology Courses, Medical education; 18:217-221.
Sukkar, M.Y., (1985). Human Nutrition, for Medical Studies and Allied Health Sciences, Ithaca Press, London.
Sukkar, M.Y., (1986). Curriculum Development: A Strategy for Change, Medical Education; 20:301-306.
Shobokshi, O.A. and Sukkar, M.Y., (1988). An Approch to Medical Curriculum Evalaution, Saudi Medical Journal; 22:426-432.
Shobokshi, O.A. and Sukkar, M.Y., (1989). Administrative Inputs in Cirriculum Development, Saudi Medical Journal; 10:290-295.
Sukkar M.Y., El-Munshid, H.A., Al-Ardawi, M.S.M., Eds (1993). Concise Human Physiology, Blckwell Scientific Publications Oxford.
Sukkar, M.Y., El-Munshid, H.A. and Al-Ardawi M.S.M, Ibid 2nd Edition (2000), Blackwell sc., Oxford.
Sukkar, M.Y., (2002). Writing a Book, Bulletin of Medical Studies Board, University of Khartoum.
Sukkar, M.Y., (2003). Accreditation of Medical Schools in the Sudan. 1st International Conference on Medical Education, EDC, Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum.
Sukkar, M.Y., (2005). Accreditation of Medical Schools. “Sudan Experience”. 1st International Conference on Medical Education Reform. (Friendship Hall), Education Development Centre. University of Khartoum.
Sukkar, M.Y., (2006). Accreditation of Medical Schools in the Sudan, Khartoum Medical Journal; 1:61-62.
Sukkar, M.Y., (2007). Quality Assurance in Higher Education, National Conference on the “Future”, Friendship Hall, Proceedings , Journal of Future Studies; 3:213-220 (Arabic).
Sukkar, M.Y., (2009). Accreditation of Medical Schools in the Sudan by Sudan Medical Council. 3rd International Conference on Medical Education, Khartoum (Friendship Hall) Education Development Centre, University of Khartoum.
Mohamed Faisal Lutfi, and Sukkar, M.Y., (2010) Reliability of spirometric measurements in assessing asthma severity, Khartoum Medical Journal Vol. 03, No. 02, pp. 433-439.
Mohamed Faisal Lutfi, and Sukkar, M.Y., (2010) Hypertensive Effect of Bronchial Asthma, Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences, 2010 -
Mohamed Faisal Lutfi, Sukkar, M.Y., (2011) the effect of gender on heart rate variability in the asthmatic and normal healthy adults, Int J Health Sci (Qassim) Jul; 5(2): 146 -154.
Mohamed Faisal Lutfi, and Sukkar, M.Y., (2011) effect of blood pressure on heart rate variability, Khartoum Medical Journal Vol 4, No 1
Mohamed Faisal Lutfi, and Sukkar, M.Y., (2011) relationship of height, weight and body mass index to heart rate variability, sudan Med J April; 47(1)
Alaagib, N., Sukkar, M.Y., (2012) Abstract: Effects of oral Glucose and Sodium Chloride in Adult Patients with Essential Hypertension. The 1st Conference of Medical and Health Researches Funded by Ministry of Higher Education.
Alaagib, N., Sukkar, M.Y., (2013) of Glucose and Sodium Chloride on the Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System and Blood Pressure in Sudanese Patients with Essential Hypertension. The 7th Hypertension Teaching Seminar of the International Society of Hypertension (ISH) and International Forum for Hypertension Control and Prevention in Africa (IFHA). 24-26 October 2013 Abuja, Nigeria. (oral presentation)
Alaagib, N., Sukkar, M.Y., (2013) Effect of Glucose and Sodium Chloride on the Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System and Blood Pressure in Sudanese Patients with Essential Hypertension. The 1st International Conference on Hypertension - Sudan. 20- 22 (oral presentation)
Alaagib, N., Sukkar, M.Y., (2014) INSULIN RESPONSE TO ORAL GLUCOSE LOAD IN PATIENTS WITH ESSENTIAL HYPERTENSION. The Joint Hypertension Meeting of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH)-International Society of Hypertension (ISH). 13- 16 Journal of Hypertension Volume 32, e326.
Available at:
Alaagib, N., Sukkar, M.Y., (2014) HORMONAL EFFECTS OF ORAL GLUCOSE AND SODIUM CHLORIDE IN OBESE AND NONOBESE PATIENTS WITH ESSENTIAL HYPERTENSION The Joint Hypertension Meeting of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH)- International Society of Hypertension (ISH). 13- 16 June 2014 Athens, Greece.
Published in the Journal of Hypertension; volume 32, e555.
Available at:
Alaagib, N., Sukkar, M.Y., (2014) Insulin Response to Oral Glucose Load in Patients with Essential Hypertension. The 7Th International Conference of Pathophysiology Rabat, Marocco 4-7.
1Sumaia Al Fadil 2Sukkar (2015) An Experience From A Growing Private Medical Sciences Institute of Nile College, Sudan WASD
Sukkar, M. Y. (2015) The Dilemma of Standard Setting for the OSCE, Sudan JMS Vol. 10, 129-136
Sukkar MY, Karrar ZA, (2016) A Practical Medical Curriculum for under resourced Situations, Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC). Singapore.
(2016): Serum Aldosterone and angiotensin II correlates positively with Blood Pressure in Obese Sudanese Patients with Essential hypertension. The 7th International Conference of the African Association of Physiological Sciences. 5-8th September 2016 Lagos, Nigeria. (Oral Presentation).
Journal of African Association of Physiological Societies. Volume 4, Available at:
Alaagib, N., Sukkar, M.Y., (2017) Hyperinsulinemic Response to Oral Glucose in Obese Patients with Essential Hypertension. Khartoum Medical Journal 10, No. 02, pp. 1360 - 1368.
Sukkar MY (2017) Quality management in higher education institutions, Khartoum Medical Journal Vol. 10, No. 03, pp. 1395 – 1401.
Sukkar, M. Y. (2018) The MB BS Curriculum Management II: A Paradigm of basic educational concerns, Khartoum Medical Journal 11, No. 02, pp. 1474 – 1476.
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